What is the VA Claims Folder?
Your claims folder (aka “cfile”) at the VA contains all of the documents related to your claim for compensation and/or pension. The VA has completed the process of converting from paper files to electronic files, so your claim may have some documents that were in a physical file folder that are now scanned in the electronic system. If you are not being represented in your claim for VA benefits, you should request a copy of your claims folder from the VA as soon as possible. You can use a VA form 10206 to request a copy of your file. If you have asked an attorney to help you with your claim, the attorney will likely want to review a copy. If you ask me to review your case, I will request a copy of the claims folder and provide a copy to you on a CD at no charge once I have been able to access it.
If you want to talk about your case with an attorney accredited by the VA, please call our office at 888-966-6566 or use the Contact Form. We look forward to speaking with you.
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