Social Security Disability

Raleigh Social Security disability attorneys Liz Lunn and Lila Forro know firsthand what you are going through. They have dedicated their entire professional lives to helping people successfully navigate the Social Security Disability process, securing the financial support that each individual and family so greatly needed. Whether you were born with a disability that has affected your ability to earn a living or you have worked your entire life only to have your career cut short by an injury or illness, Lunn & Forro can help you pursue the benefits that are rightly yours.

Many people’s initial claims for Social Security Disability benefits are denied, which can leave individuals and families in difficult financial situations as they struggle to get by. The application process can be incredibly time-consuming and intimidating. This causes many people simply to give up, overwhelmed at the prospect of facing the system alone once again.

What is Social Security Disability, and What Benefits Are Available to Me?

Social Security Disability benefits are meant to support individuals who have a disability that prevents them from working and earning a living, either in the short term or long term. These benefits are available to both adults and children, and there are two primary types of benefits:

  • Title II benefits are paid to adults who have worked and paid into Social Security for a certain number of years within a set timeframe. Individuals qualify for these benefits based on an injury or illness that prevents them from working for at least 12 months. These benefits are commonly referred to as SSDI, or Social Security Disability Insurance.
  • Title XVI benefits are available to those who have never worked or have not worked recently enough to qualify for SSDI. These benefits are known as Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, and individuals must fall below certain income and asset requirements in order to quality. SSI benefits may be available to supplement the income of individuals receiving SSDI benefits if their monthly payments fall below the SSI requirements. Children with disabilities may also qualify for SSI benefits if their families meet the income and asset requirements.

What Disabilities Can Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?

There are several illnesses and injuries that the Social Security Administration has recognized as qualifying disabilities, including:

  • Cancer
  • Blindness
  • Deafness
  • Obesity
  • Immune System Disorders and HIV
  • Mental Illnesses and Disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Severe Injury or Medical Conditions

This list is only a small example of qualifying disabilities. For questions about your own situation and whether you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, contact us today.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Whether you have sought our help following a denial of your Social Security Disability benefits or you are beginning the process, the team at Lunn & Forro can help guide you through the entire process. For more information, contact us at our office today to discuss your case in a free consultation; simply dial 888-966-6566 to be connected with us, or fill out our free case evaluation form.

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