Why Do I Need My VA File Number?
Your VA file number is very important because you must use it when you send anything to the VA about your claim. The VA file number is how your claim is tracked through the compensation system and how documents and other evidence are associated with your file in the VA’s electronic database. It is sometimes called a Cfile number.
Where is My VA Claim File Number?
Whenever the VA sends you a letter about your claim, your VA file number will be on the document. Look in the upper right-hand corner. There is usually a note that says “In reply refer to” followed by two or three numbers separated by a “\”. Below those number will be your file number. For most veterans, it is the same number as their social security number, just without the dashes. However, if the veteran filed the first claim a long time ago, the number will be a different number.
Just below your file number will be your name. Although not a regular occurrence, sometimes you may be mailed a letter that is intended to go to another veteran. Always check the upper right-hand corner of any mail from the VA to make sure it is actually about your claim.
Not Every Veteran Will Have a VA File Number
A VA file number is assigned when you file a claim for VA benefits (usually compensation). If you have never filed for any benefits from the VA then you will not have a number.
If you are representing by a veterans law attorney, the that attorney can tell you what your number is. We get many requests every day from veterans asking what their VA file number is but unless we represent you, we will be unable to give you the number. We only know the numbers of the individuals we represent. If you are unsure if you have a number assigned, contact the Department of Veterans Affairs and ask if you have been assigned a number.
It is very important that you keep all of your mail from the VA about your compensation claim in a safe place. In addition to your social security number, these documents often contain other identifying information as well as personal data such as your medical history.
Using Your Claim File Number
You need to include your VA File number on any correspondence or documents you send to the VA so that they can be associated with your file. If you are filing for an increase in a VA rating, submitting records prior to a C&P exam, filing an appeal or asking for a copy of your claims file, you will need the file number.
If you want a free VA case evaluation from our office, we may need to review these documents.
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